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Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan

In a world filled with those seeking spiritual fulfillment, there are countless faiths and deities being worshiped by their respective devotees. It is said that in Hinduism alone, there are roughly 33 million demigods, each with a vast following of devout disciples. Despite this magnitude of spirituality, corruption and impurity by evil persons have continually plagued religious worship throughout mankind’s history. In 1781 AD, however, devotees became unimaginably blessed. The supreme God from which each of these deities emanate—Swaminarayan Bhagwan—had finally arrived to Earth to abolish immorality and spread joy.

Many times, throughout human history, evil has intermittently run rampant threatening the welfare of good, principled people. In order to support His devotees and vanquish these threats, Swaminarayan Bhagwan had to incarnate infinite times in various capacities. Swaminarayan Bhagwan has taken many forms and identities to support devout worshippers. However, He had never visited Earth in His original, unaltered form—not until April 2nd, 1781 AD.

Vedic Evidence Behind the Swaminarayan Bhagwan:

Skeptics may question the validity of these truths and doubt the supremeness of Swaminarayan Bhagwan. However, long before His arrival, the most ancient and revered Vedic scriptures foretold of His arrival. The Skanda Purana, as compiled by Vyasa Bhagwan, foretells that Swaminarayan Bhagwan would come to this Earth during the age of Kali, between the avatars of Buddha and Kalki to protect dharma and those who follow it. It is further described in the Vasudev Mahatmya scripture that He would be born to Dharma and Bhakti as a brahmin after being cursed by Durvasa Rishi and be given the name Narayan Muni. Similar references to the legitimacy of Swaminarayan faith as a Vedic Sect can be found in Brahmanda Purana, Padma Purana, and Vishnudharmottara Purana.

Skanda Purana, Part 2 – Vasudev Mahatmya, Chapter 18, Verses 42-44:

मया कृष्णेन निहताः साङर्जुनेन रणेषु ये |

प्रवर्तयिष्यन्त्यसुरास्ते त्वधर्म यदा क्षितौ |४२|

धर्मदेवात् तदा मूर्तौ नरनारायणात्मना |

प्रवृत्तेङपि कलौ ब्रह्मन् भूत्वाहं सामगो द्विजः |४३|

मुनिशापान्नृतां प्राप्तं सर्षिं जनकमात्मनः |

ततोङविता गुरुभ्योङहं सद्धर्मं स्थापयन्नज |४४|

Maya Krushnen nihataaha Saarjunen raneshu ye|

Pravartyishyantya suraanste tva-dharm yadaa kshitau |42|

Dharmadevaat tadaa murtau Nar-Narayanaatmana|

Pravruttepi kalau brahman bhutvaaham saamago dwijah |43|

Munisha-paanrutam praptam sarshim janakmatmanaham|

Tato-vitaa gurubhyo-aham saddharmam sthaapayannaj |44|

Arjun and I (Krishna) have defeated evil demons, and I have gifted them moksha if they have died seeing Me or at My hands. Those, who died with evil intent in their hearts will be born in Kali yuga and wreak havoc. At that time, after the curse of Durvasa to Nar Narayan, I will be born in Kali yuga as a Samvedi brahmin. I will vanquish all evil and establish righteousness, while protecting all the rishis, my mother Bhakti, and my father Dharma.

Brahmanda Purana:

दत्तात्रेयः कृतयुगे त्रेतायां रघुनन्दनः |

द्वापरे वासुदेवः स्यात् कलौ स्वामी वृषात्मजः ||

Dattaatreyah kruta-yuge, tretaayam Raghunandanah|

Dwaapare Vasudevah syaat kalau Swami Vrushaat-majah ||

In Sat yuga, I will be born as Dataatrey and in Treta yuga, I will be Ram. During Dwaapar yuga, I will be Krishna and in Kali yuga, I will be born and be known as God Swaminarayan.

Padma Purana:

पाखंडे बहुले लोके स्वामिनाम्ना हरिः स्वयम् |

पापपङ्कनिमग्नं तज्जगदुध्धारयिष्यति ||

Paakhande bahule loke, Swami-naamna Hari-h-swayam |

Paapaknimagnam taj-jaga-dudhdhaarayishyati ||

When deception in the veiled disguise of righteousness prevails on Earth, Hari Himself will be born as ‘Swami’ and absolve the people of sin.

Vishwaksen Samhita:

भूम्यां कृतावतारोङयं सर्वानेताञ्जनानहम् |

प्रापयिष्यामि वैकुंठं सहजानन्दनामतः ||

Bhumyaam krutaavataroyam, sarvaanetaajna naham |

Praapishyaami Vaikuntham Sahajanand naam-tah ||

I will take birth by the name of Sahajanand Swami and will guide My devotees to my divine abode of Vaikunth.

Vishnudharmottar Purana:

महाधर्मान्वये पुण्ये नाम्ना पापविनाशके |

हरिप्रसादविप्रस्य स्वामिनाम्ना हरिः स्वयम् ||

Mahaadharmaanvaye punye naamnaa paap-vinaashake |

Hariprasad viprasya Swami naamna Hari swayam ||

All sins and wrongdoing will vanish at the chanting of My name. Hari Himself will be born to the brahmin Hariprasad Pande.

A Synopsis of Swaminarayan Bhagwan’s Accomplishments:

Perhaps the greatest evidence of the supremeness of Swaminarayan Bhagwan is the remarkable feats Swaminarayan Bhagwan accomplished during His 49 brief years on this Earth. He performed miracles on a daily basis during his childhood, renounced the material world at the young age of 11, and endured perilous hardships of nature and evil during his 7-year journey across India. Additionally, he mastered yogic principles and peak spiritual heights in a manner never previously achieved. To accomplish these feats before the age of 20 without exerting his supreme power and without using violence is evidence enough of his sarvoparita. Over the next three decades, Swaminarayan Bhagwan systematically erected a resolute sampraday that served as a safe haven for his dear saints and devotees, while enabling the spread of righteousness and devotion. He orated ethereal, complex discourses that were compiled into the greatest holy scripture Vachanamrut and penned a letter of 212 commandments (Shikshapatri) that would guide his devotees to the divine paradise of Akshardham. Every thought and action performed by Swaminarayan Bhagwan was designed for the welfare of his present and future devotees. Such is Swaminarayan Bhagwan—supreme, all-powerful, humble, and most of all, benevolent.

A Timeline Highlighting Major Events of Swaminarayan Bhagwan’s Life:

Maharaj no Janmotsav...

Chaitra Sud 9th, Vikram Samvat (VS) 1837:

Swaminarayan Bhagwan is born in Chhapaiya (a small village in Uttar Pradesh, India) to Dharmadev and Bhaktimata.

Maharaj nu namkaran...

Ashadh Vad 7th, VS 1837:

SageMarkendey bestows Swaminarayan Bhagwan with the names Hari, Krishna, and Harikrishna during the naming ceremony held in Chhapaiya. The townspeople, however, continue to affectionately call Him Ghanshyam.

Maharaj no gruhtyang...

Ashadh Sud 10th, VS 1849:

Ghanshyam renounces his family and the material world, by departing home and heading into the dense forests of Northern India in search of a Guru and spiritual enlightenment. During his journey throughout India, He liberated innumerous ascetic yogis who lovingly referred to Him as Nilkanth Varni.

Maharaj nu loj gam ma agman...

Shravan Vad 6th, VS 1856:

Nilkanth Varni finally arrives to Loj, Gujarat and meets the pure saints under Ramanand Swami. It was in this Loj ashram where Muktanand Swami successfully answers Nilkanth Varni’s fabled 5 spiritual questions—thus ending Nilkanth Varni’s journey of finding a worthy guru in Ramanand Swami.

Maharaj ni diksha.....

Kartik Sud 11th, VS 1857:

After waiting nearly a year for Ramanand Swami to return from Bhuj, Nilkanth Varni finally met His guru in the town of Piplana on Jeth Vad 12, VS 1856. Only a few short months later, He received the ceremonial diksha and formally adopted Ramanand Swami as His guru—not because He required it, but rather to demonstrate to all devotees the rightful path to salvation. On this day, Ramanand Swami named Nilkanth Varni as Sahajanand Swami and Narayan Muni.

Maharaj ne gadi sopi.....

Kartik Sud 11th, VS 1858:

Exactly one year after becoming his disciple, Ramanand Swami handed the reins of his vast sect to 20-year old Sahajanand Swami in Faneni.

Maharaj e Swaminarayan maha mantra apyo.....

Magshar Vad 11th, VS 1858:

Shortly after the passing of Ramanand Swami, the entire sect had been stricken with deep grief. Sahajanand Swami subsequently called a vast assembly of all followers and introduced His true identity by revealing His real name—Swaminarayan. Whoever was present in the assembly that fortunate day, fell into an immediate trance after chanting “Swaminarayan.” They immediately went to Akshardham and became overwhelmed with happiness and joy.

Maharaj e mandir banavya.....

VS 1878 – VS 1885:

During this period, Swaminarayan Bhagwan had the novel concept of erecting 6 grand temples at His own hands—Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Vadtal, Dholera, Junagadh, and Gadhpur. Each established idol held a certain significance and history that resonated with the local devotees. The devotees of Gadhpur were so enamored with Swaminarayan Bhagwan, that He gave them the central idol Gopinathji Maharaj, whose dimensions mirrored His own body measurements. Most unique of all, however, was the idol of Harikrishna Maharaj in Vadtal. Swaminarayan Bhagwan Himself proclaimed that there is no difference between this idol and My original form that resides in Akshardham.

Maharaj e 2 Acharya Maharaj ni sthapna karo.....

Kartik Sud 11th, VS 1882:

With the sect blossoming in each facet, Swaminarayan Bhagwan delegated full authority to His two nephews Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj and Raghuvirji Maharaj—under the supervision of Gopalanand Swami. By establishing the Southern and Northern diocese of the sect in His own presence, Swaminarayan Bhagwan had effectively certified a smooth transition of power. Meanwhile, Gopalanand Swami would ensure the continued spiritual growth of the sect as a whole by guiding the two aacharyas.

Maharaj e Shikshapatri lakhi.....

Maha Sud 5th, VS 1882:

Swaminarayan Bhagwan writes a Shikshapatri, addressed to each of His devotees, detailing the 212 commandments they must abide by if they want to achieve Him and Akshardham.

Maharajni atardhyanleela.....

Jeth Sud 10th, VS 1886:

On this solemn day, Supreme Swaminarayan Bhagwan departed this Earth. Though He had foretold many saints and devotees of wanting to leave His earthly body for many months, the sorrow was truly unbearable. Those like Gopalanand Swami, however, remained resolute. Swami knew that though it may appear as if Swaminarayan Bhagwan had passed, He is omni-present and will forever remain in all devotees’ hearts.

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Swaminarayan Sampraday

The Swaminarayan Sampraday began as the Uddhav Sampraday and was led by Ramanand Swami. In 1799, Swaminarayan, then known as Neelkanth Varni, was initiated into the Uddhav Sampraday as an ascetic (Sadhu) by his guru, Ramanand Swami, and given the name "Sahajanand Swami". At the age of 21, Neelkanth Varni was given the leadership of the sect known as Uddhav Sampraday with the blessings of Ramanand Swami, who handed him control of the religious diocese shortly before his death. Fourteen days after Ramanand Swami died, Neelkanth Varni, now known as Sahajanand Swami, held a large gathering of followers at the town of Faneni. It was during this meeting that Swaminarayan introduced what he termed "the father of all Mantras", and then he was known as Swaminarayan. It should be noted that there was no swami who he had appointed his successor or as an ideal devotee at that time. The name refers wholly and solely to one entity, Swaminarayan. Thereafter the name "Swaminarayan Sampraday" came into existence.

Swaminarayan (3 April 1781 - 1 June 1830),also know as Sahajanand Swami, is the central figure in amodern sect of Hinduism known as the Swaminarayan Faith.Swaminarayan Hinduism,also known as the swaminarayan faith or the swaminarayan sect,is a modern tradition in the Vaishnava denomination of hinduism, in which followers offer devotion to and worship Swaminarayan as the Supreme manifestation of God.

Since its origin, Swaminarayan Hinduism has been noted by its preservation of Gujarati cultural and linguistic traditions, devotion to the personality of Swaminarayan as supreme god, dedication to social service and a strict ethical code including uncompromising segregation of the genders.

The Swaminarayan Sampraday has its roots in the Vedas. It follows the Vaishnava tradition and to its followers represents a form of Hinduism. The faith focuses on salvation through total devotion (or bhakti) to the God developed through virtues (dharma), spiritual wisdom (gnana) and detachment (vairagya). The Swaminarayan Sampraday is devotion-focused and advocates God within the disciplines of virtues. Swaminarayan propagated a philosophy called Vishistadvaita, which says that God is supreme, has a divine form, is the all-doer and is completely independent. He simply stated that souls (jiva) never merge or dissolve into God and neither are they part of God, but are always subservient to God. Redemption consists in the realisation of ekantik dharma, comprising righteousness, right knowledge, detachment and devotion to that God.

Vachanamrut nu pathan karta Maharaj

Shri Sahajanand Swami also accepted Vishishtadvaita philosophy as the principle ideology of Swaminarayan Sect. Each Hindu philosophy is based on the teachings and interpretations of the Vedic Texts. Among these, 5 subdivisions of Vedanta are considered as the foremost; one of which is the Vishishtadvaita (unique non dualism). The ideology states that there are 3 ultimate realities, Jiva (the souls), Ishwar (the Supreme Lord) and Maya (the matter). Accepting this ideology Swaminarayan Bhagwan revealed 5 divisions of these elements:

  • Jiva: the soul entranced by Maya
  • Ishwar: souls that are omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent for their respective universes only
  • Maya: the nescience eternal power of the Lord that makes up the 24 elements by its 3 qualities, Satva, Rajas and Tamas
  • Brahm: the pure, changeless and limitless form of soul that has attained ultimate salvation
  • Parabrahm: One and only one Purushottam Narayan himself, the controller of all, superior to whom is non

Thus, accepting the Vishishtadvaita philosophy proposed by Shri Ramanujaacharya, Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan added distinct differences to it promoting an unambiguous philosophy to follow for all.

The Swaminarayan Sampraday aims to consolidate characters in society, families and individuals by mass motivation and individual attention, through elevating projects for all, irrespective of class, creed, color and country. The organization believes that the hallmark of the Swaminarayan devotee is that he or she devoutly begins the day with pooja and meditation, works or studies honestly, and donates regular hours in serving others. Swaminarayan's lifetime objective for the organisation was to establish a permanent system of achieving the ultimate redemption from the cycle of life and death (aatyantik kalyaan).

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Aacharya Tradition

Dharam Vansh

In 1826 at Vadtal on Prabodhini Ekadashi of Vikram Samvat 1882 , Swaminarayan established the dual Acharyaship in Dharmavanshi Acharyas, whom he intended as his successor. "Dharmavanshi" means "belonging to the lineage of Dharmadev" – the father of Swaminarayan.

Swaminarayan enthroned his two adopted sons, Acharya Maharajshree Ayodhyaprasad Pande and Acharya Maharajshree Raghuvir Pande, who were the sons of his brothers Rampratapji and Ichcharamji, as the spiritual leaders of the Nar Narayan Dev Gadi headquartered at Ahmedabad and the Laxmi Narayan Dev Gadi headquartered at Vadtal respectively. He installed them as the Acharyas for all followers, including householders and ascetics. Swaminarayan gave sole authority to these two individuals to install murtis in temples and to initiate sadhus and householders into the Sampraday. He did this using a legal document known as "Desh Vibhag no Lekh", which he dictated and was written by Shukanand Swami. Learned saints and elder satsangis witnessed this document.

The Acharyas of the Sampraday are administrative heads, spiritual leaders and the gurus of their followers. Since the acharyas are supposed to refrain from contact with the opposite sex, except close relations, the acharyas' wives are the gurus for female members of the sect, and must avoid contact with unfamiliar men.


The Acharyas are responsible for:

  • Initiating followers into the organization with a Samanya Diksha by giving the guru-mantra
  • Initiating monks-sadhus by giving them the Maha-Bhagwadi Diksha
  • Perform murti-pratishtha, installing deities in the temples
  • Authenticating scriptures of the Sampraday
  • Acting as the Guru and leader of the entire Sampraday

Acharya Shree Raghuvirji Maharaj

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Born on: 21st Mar 1812

Became Acharya on: 10th Nov 1826

Death: 9th Feb 1863

Term: 37 Years

Acharya Shree Bhagvatprasadji Maharaj

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Born on: 11th Oct 1838

Became Acharya on: 09th Feb 1863

Death: 12th Aug 1879

Term: 17 Years

Acharya Shree Viharilalji Maharaj

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Born on: 19th Apr 1852

Became Acharya on: 12th Aug 1879

Death: 27th Sep 1899

Term: 20 Years

Acharya Shree Laxmiprasadji Maharaj

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Born on: 15th Aug 1892

Became Acharya on: 27th Sep 1899

Death:24th Apr 1909

Term: 10 Years

Acharya Shree Shripatiprasadji Maharaj

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Born on: 18th Aug 1875

Became Acharya on: :26th Apr 1909

Death: 12th Feb 1931

Term: 22 Years

Acharya Shree Anandprasadji Maharaj

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Born on: 22nd Jul 1906

Became Acharya on: 12th Feb 1931

Death: 08th Jul 1974

Term: 28 Years

Acharya Shree Narendraprasadji Maharaj

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Born on: 25th Jan 1930

Became Acharya on: 30th Apr 1959

Death: 1986

Term: 25 Years

Acharya Shree Ajendraprasadji Maharajj

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Born on: 16th Aug 1949

Became Acharya on: 1984

Term: 18 Years

Acharya Shree Raghuvirji Maharaj

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Born on: 23rd Jul 1966

Became Acharya on: 31st Jan 2003

Term: Present

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The Six Temples that Lord Swaminarayan Built

The following Six(6) temples were built in the presence of Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan about 170 years ago and are located in the State of Gujarat, India. He established the Murtis by Himself in these 6 temples as listed below.After His departure to Akshardham, as Lord had stated that Acharyas should establish murtis of God with Vedic mantras and ceremonies. People achieve great inspiration and pleasure whilst worshiping God with great saints and other devotees in the temple. For these reasons temples are a necessity in the life of a satsangi.

Ahmedabad Temple


Ahmedabad was the first temple to be constructed. An English collector gave the land during British Rule. The deed document was transcribed onto a copper plate, stating that the land would remain under ownership of the Swaminarayan Sampraday for all time. Anandanand Swami designed the structure of the temple. Lord Swaminarayan Himself established the images of Lord NarNarayan Dev in VS 1878 on the 3rd day of the bright half of the month of Falgun (Monday 24th February 1822 AD).

Bhuj Temple


The devotees living in Bhuj including Gangaram Mull, Sundarji Suthar and Hirji Suthar requested the Lord to construct a temple at Bhuj. Lord instructed Vaishnavanand Swami to construct the temple and again Lord himself established the murti of Lord NarNarayan Dev in Bhuj on VS 1879 on the 5th day of the bright half of the month of Vaishakh (Friday 15th May 1823 AD).

Vadtal Temple


Devotees of Vadtal including Joban Pagi, Kuberbhai Patel and Ranchodbhai Patel requested the Lord to build a huge temple at Vadtal. Brahmanand Swami and Aksharanand Swami designed the Vadtal temple. Lord Swaminarayan Himself helped in the construction of the Vadtal temple by carrying stones to the site. At Vadtal, Lord established Shree LaxmiNarayan Dev, Shree Ranchodrai Dev and Shri HariKrishna Maharaj (image of Himself) with Shree RadhaKrishna Dev. Lord established these images in Vadtal in VS 1881 on the 12th day of the bright half of the month of Kartik (Thursday 3rd November 1823 AD).

Dholera Temple


Punjaji Darbar of Dholera urged the Lord to construct a temple in Dholera. Nishkulanand Swami and Adbhutanand Swami constructed the temple. Lord Swaminarayan established Shree MadanMohan Dev and Radhikaji in VS 1882 on the 13th day of the dark half of the month of Vaishakh (Saturday 19th May 1826 AD).

Junagadh Temple


Lord constructed a huge temple at Junagadh on land presented by Jinabhai (Hematsinh) Darbar of Panchala. Brahmanand Swami constructed the temple and Lord established Shree RadhaRaman Dev in VS 1884 on the 2nd day of the bright half of the month of Vaishakh (Friday 1st May 1828 AD).

Gadhada Temple


Lord Swaminarayan stayed in Gadhada for 25 years. He made Gadhada the center of the sampraday whilst He was on earth. It was the deep love and affection of Dadakhachar and his four sisters Jaya (Jivuba), Lalita (Laduba), Panchali and Nanu (Ramabai) that attracted Lord to spend most of His life in Gadhada. He stayed at the royal residence of Dadakhachar treating it as His personal home. By the request of Dadakhachar and his sisters, Lord constructed a grand temple under His personal supervision and with the assistance of Viraktanand Swami. At Gadhada temple Lord Swaminarayan established Gopinathji and Radhikaji. The murtis were established in VS 1885 on the 12th day of the bright half of the month of Ashwin (Saturday 9th October 1828 AD). The image and murti of Gopinathji Maharaj established Gadhada is in the same proportions as the Lord Himself. Narayanji Suthar was the sculptor of the murti of Gopinathji Maharaj. Lord Swaminarayan had given him divine vision so that he may see the Lord for His measurements even when He was many miles away.

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Saints of Swaminarayan Sampraday

Each soul on the path of spiritual salvation starts his journey lost in this material world. When Swaminarayan Bhagwan arrived on this Earth, His goal was to free as many souls as possible and guide them to His divine abode Akshardham. To assist in this mission, Swaminarayan Bhagwan ordained nearly 3000 ascetic saints, collectively known as the Nand saints. They withstood an insurmountable amount of hardship in order to lay the foundations of Swaminarayan sampradaya (sect) and spread Swaminarayan Bhagwan’s principles throughout India.


These Nand saints were from all walks of life—many were accomplished scholars, while others were ordinary farmers. Some were young bachelors, while some were already settled with families. However, once their paths crossed with Swaminarayan Bhagwan, their devotion awoke and became fully enamored with Him. All saints had to renounce the material world and strictly abide by the five vows—known as the panch vartman as listed below.

  • Nishkam: They were to maintain complete abstinence from women
  • Nirlobh: They were to free themselves of all wealth and greed
  • Nirman: They were to completely abolish themselves of ego and pride, in order to humble themselves to God
  • Niswad: They were to transcend their desire for all taste
  • Nis-sneh: They were to detach themselves of all relationships with birth relatives and materialistic possessions

Though these monumental vows seem impossible, all Nand saints abided by them strictly. And in turn, Swaminarayan Bhagwan gave them everlasting, divine sukh in Akshardham.

Nand saints’ devotion to God and their renouncement of the materialistic world led them to an incredible power and ability. It was through their resolute faith that the foundations of the Swaminarayan sect were established. They ventured to the most remote villages in order to ensure that all salvation-seeking devotees could find their way to Swaminarayan Bhagwan through satsang. They authored countless scriptures and penned thousands of kirtans to guide generations of devotees towards Swaminarayan Bhagwan. They worked tirelessly at the command of Swaminarayan Bhagwan to erect marvelous temples across the state of Gujarat. They had to pass 117 short-term vows known as Prakrans prescribed by Swaminarayan Bhagwan. And despite all of this, they had to suffer violence from jealous bigots. Their sacrifice in all facets of life is truly the reason why the Swaminarayan sect shines amongst all religions today.

Today, we are endowed with a flourishing sect due to the infinite sacrifices and wisdom of Nand saints. We are also blessed to have saints today that descend from the disciple lineage of Nand saints and possess similar caliber in guiding millions of devotees towards supreme Swaminarayan Bhagwan.

Nand Santos

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Who We Are

Vadtaldham Canada

Vadtaldham Canada is a dedicated organization committed to promoting and preserving the original teachings of the Swaminarayan Sect of the Hindu religion, as articulated in the Shikshapatri by Lord Shree Swaminarayan Himself. With a strong spiritual connection to Shree Laxminarayan dev Gadi, the central authority of the Swaminarayan Sect based in Vadtal, Gujarat, India, Vadtaldham Canada's primary goal is to foster unity among temples and chapters in Canada associated with Shree Laxminarayan Dev Gadi Vadtaldham, India.

Vadtaldham Temple

Under the guidance of the current Acharya Maharaj of Vadtal Gadi, H.H. 1008 Acharya Shree Rakeshprasadji Maharaj, Vadtaldham Canada endeavors to promote collaboration and cohesion among its affiliated temples and chapters. Additionally, the organization is dedicated to preserving and practicing the rich cultural heritage of Sanatan Dharma, the timeless principles of Hinduism, while also encouraging dialogue and idea exchange with religious institutions of diverse faiths.

Through its various activities and initiatives, Vadtaldham Canada aims to uphold the spiritual legacy of the Swaminarayan Sect, foster unity among its followers, and make positive contributions to the broader religious and cultural landscape.